
oh hai.

Oh, hey guys.
Remember me?

I'm alive.

Aaaaand, I pretty much suck.

At blogging.

Really, though.

Considering, like, a year ago I was all super committed to this thing, and I fully planned on writing everyday about all of my interesting life-happenings.

What the hell happened to me?

When I first fired this thing up, inside my brain I was like this:

But inside, I was like:

("we" meaning "me"...see, this is how i talk to myself when i try to get motivated.)

Then, quite honestly, after my first couple posts I was like:


But no. Enough of that hogwash.

Guys, really.

I'm here.

And believe me, a lot has happened between November and now that warrants a post. I honestly don't even know where to begin. I have 6 months of bullshit, work drama, life drama, and weird stories to give you guys.

But I'm not sure...

I'm either going to relay my past 6 "dark" months to you, or just start off where I am now. I could just pick up where I am in life and carry on and you'd miss out on what happened to me.


You decide.

I love you either way.

For now, peace out, lovers.