
Old habits die....never.

Really though. I have so many bad habits I can't even begin to name them all. For example, let's just ramble about one-- trying to figure out ways to better my life, but never following through with the ways I come up with. Yeah, real dependable. Call it "self commitment" issues. Almost like I'm afraid to try something new. Like maybe I'll break up with myself and I'll be like "it's not you, it's me" and my idea will be one big fail boat. I should seriously grow a pair and just try new things, and instead of living in my own little comfortable world of turkey sandwiches and triscuts....I should be trying foods I cant pronounce. All of this would better my life, because feeling more open to the world is liberating. It makes you feel free. I know because I tried a piece of squid once....ask my college roommate, she was there. It only took me a 1/2 hour to get myself to eat it, but once I did, boy, was I a baller. Sure, my roommate had a plate and I squeezed down one bite and managed not to hurl, but I tried it. I should do more things like that. Fuck spaghetti, lets have, uhm.... instead. So....I'm sort of now wondering how this post about habits sort of became about food. Well, more like, daring myself to try new things, but in the sense of eating new food? Why is it always food with me, damnit? I bet I know, come to think of it. I'm sitting here waiting for my chinese food to pull into the driveway....and what did I get? The same thing I get every. single. time.

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