

Okay, being from Maine, I guess I'm allowed to name my post "yowzabub". I guess because only in Maine do you hear such words. Anyway, I title this post the above because really no other word quite describes how I'm feeling. It's a mixture between tired, full of energy, frustrated about the day, psyched about the weekend, and "blah". You should seriously see how I'm laying on my couch right now. Actually I take that back, you sbouldnt see how I'm laying on the couch. I wont put you through that. I have terrible posture, and this couch makes me look fat. Hey though, I'm comfortable, and yes, my husband is across the room, but God bless him he doesnt care that I'm slouching so low on this couch with the lap top on my stomach, typing away. He's just reading his book, and life is grand here in the Johnson house.

But I have crap on my mind. Not literally--gross. But have you ever had something looming...like a situation that's going on in your life that keeps bubbling up, or flying around your head like a little fly that you keep swatting away? I have a situation going on exactly like that. It's involving my in-laws.

Now, I wont get into too much detail, for confidentiality reasons--also because i value my life and if they ever found out I'm sharing my feelings about them on the interweb they might freak and try to kill me. There's just a predicament going on between me and them. My husband is caught in the middle. Also, my son is caught in the middle. It's gotten to the point now where the in-laws havent seen my son for quite a bit now, because some things have happened where I just dont think it's in his best interest. But they tend to disagree, and so on and so forth the arguement continues. My poor husband, having to stay loyal to both me and his parents, is having a rough time of it. He has to talk to them on the phone and make conversation, but I wont talk to them, because they are so difficult. If you knew the whole story I suppose it would be easier for you to understand, and not judge me for not letting my son see them, and not talking to them. But trust me--its for the best.

They are coming to my son's 2nd birthday party next week, and God help me if they make a scene...

How do I deal with difficult in-laws? Do any of you have difficult in-laws? Can anyone relate?

Oye e vay....

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