
I'm gross, but this is funny.

Okay guys, last night something reeeally funny happened.

Although it might show you that I'm a thoroughly disgusting individual, I really don't mind, because that's partially true. I think that gross things--most gross things-- are funny, so I, myself, am not afraid to be gross.

Anyway, I was having a conversation with my husband in the kitchen last night, and I can't even remember what it was that we were talking about, but right in the middle of my sentence I had the loudest, most strangest sounding burp that I have ever experienced in all my years, including my pregnancy. It was totally and completely involuntary. I swear to god I did not feel it coming, and I could not have stopped it. 

Guys, it seriously sounded like a combination between a whoopie cushion deflating and a bear growl. It lasted about 3 seconds and was extremely loud. But the funniest thing was how it felt. It felt like a million little microscopic men were doing the river dance in my tummy and throat.

I laughed for about 5 minutes straight.

My husband didn't.

Yes, I'm gross.

You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooooh Myyyyyyyy Heavenlyyyyy Goddddd!
    You are not gross! Gahhahahahah! But seriously bear growl? Men dancing in ur tummy and throat? Hahahhahahahahahahahahha
