My adorable now 2 year old son decided to actually share--for once. Only this time he decided to share generously and give me his germs.
As I told you days ago, he got sick with croup. Now typically that isn't contagious to adults, unless they have a crappy immune system, and/or damaged lungs. Well, I'm lucky enough to have both of those problems. Let's think, it's not even the end of the year and I've had pneumonia not one, not two, but THREE times.
I know right?
I hasn't been fun. I missed an ass-load of work and as a result of it, my lungs haven't been the same since. I pretty much always feel like I'm running a marathon. Even now I'm still in physical therapy once a week to help improve my breathing and the strength of my lungs. It sucks big-time. Or it doesn't, depending on how you read into that last sentence.
So, nevertheless, when my son got sick, I pretty much expected to get a little bit of it, but I didnt expect for it to hit me as hard as it did. When it first hit me it was on Friday, my son's actualy birthday. I felt terrible--we're talking like headache, the pure exhaustion was setting in, and I knew something was happening, so I started chugging water, and preparing for it. My husband and I had taken the day off from work (thank God) to spend with our son on his birthday, so we took him out that afternoon. I chugged along, mentally telling myself that I would kick this thing in the balls before I let it take me down, but I think I knew it had me already.
I woke up Saturday morning feeling like complete shit. I'm pretty sure my first thought, felt with anguish, when I woke up was something along the lines:
"Please tell me that the piles of sand I have in
my throat are from the dream I had last night about me
rough-housing on the beach with my secret celebrity crush"
shut up guys.
Well no, it turns out I just snore worse than a team of horny lumberjacks. Because my throat hurt so bad I couldn't even swallow at all. I also had the cough and my lungs felt like they were practically glued shut. And then by the afternoon came the chills, and the fever.
No, no, not this fever...

but THIS fever...
it was miserable.
So I slept all day long. And I mean all day. I only got up to pee, eat some soup, drink water, down some heavenly cough syrup, and blow my nose. Other than that, I was asleep. Thank GOD my husband didnt mind taking care of our son while I tried to feel better. I wouldnt have been much help even if I had tried anyway, I'm sure. I was a snotty, coughing mess. And, I needed to feel better over night, because the next day was my son's birthday party, and we paid a fortune for it and there was NO WAY I was cancelling it. I was going to that thing and hosting it whether I felt like hell or not. I was determined to be:
So when Sunday morning came, the day of the party, I woke up and unfortunately, as luck would have it, I still pretty much felt the same.
However, showering in cold water (because our upstairs neighbors used all the hot water--thanks guys.) helped to wake me up out of my daze. It only took me 1/2 hour to get put myself together, which, on average is pretty good for me.
We arrived to the location with the balloons and the cake, and still had enough time to decorate it before the 12 toddlers and their parents and the family arrived. It was a tremendous amount of fun--the inlaws were even there and everything still went down without a hitch. All the toddlers wore themselves out, and I got thankful looks from parents, as they got to visit with eachother while the kiddos played and did their thing.
Here's my son, enjoying his birthday cake :)
The party was a complete success, but I'm super glad it's over. It was exhausting. And today I'm still coughing up a lung. Thank God I had today off too.
Well, 2 down--only 16 left to go.
I think.
Hah, I get it! Horny lumberjacks snore loud because of their wood! Though I hope they don't saw those logs too severely. Feel better!
ReplyDeleteBahaha, I'm glad someone got it ;)
ReplyDeletep.s. feel free to haunt me.