
Stress Relief

You know, sometimes after a long day, all I want to do is sit down, relax, and find a way to relieve all of my stress. Many people would go to the gym (which I should clearly be doing, btw), or go throw a ball around, or take a drive, or whatever. Me, on the other hand....I budget. I play with numbers.

I love love love to budget. In fact, just to show you how much I love to plan where every single penny in my checking and savings account goes, here is a picture of me, preparing for my budget:

See? Its clearly obvious that my laptop and I are having a serious love affair. I'd kiss it if I wasnt afraid of ruining all of my hard work and/or getting killed by electrocution. After I took this picture I proceeded to budget for the next 2 hours. And boy to I feel fantastic. The day's worries have slid off of my sholders, it seems. I bet its because I feel like I have complete control over all of those little numbers. Like I'm squashing them between my fingers and telling them to go here and there. I dont know, maybe I sound like a complete and total lame-o, but budgetting is my thing. Everyone has their "thing."

At least I'm not pulling my hair out and six-flagging it up mood-wise anymore. I'm just fine.

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