
all these thoughts....

the mall.

where do i begin? skinny jeans. skinny clothing. not-so-skinny people wearing said clothing, making me want to up-chuck my skinny latte from Starbucks that I waited 30 minutes in line for. I swear, every time I go into the mall, I get more and more thankful that I dont give a fuck. That's seriously something to be thankful for. You can tell when people care what other people think. They're dressed exactly like the window display. They have their faces painted--almost literally. They have their teeth whitened to an abnormal amount where it almost hurts to see them talk. Although...come to think of it, most of the time it does hurt to see them talk, no matter if they even have teeth or not. They're constantly giggling in each other's ears while the stumble and giggle through the mall, and pointing and giggling some more, saying god-knows-what. probably talking about how so-and-so slept with so-and-so, or how they got a text from that so-and-so while  the so-and-so was doing the other so-and-so, so he obviously really wanted her instead....and so on, and so on.

This world is going to hell. When I look around the mall I even see young girls....very young girls, dressing like they're 15 years older than they should be.

For a 10 year old, THIS is okay:

NOT, this:

Because then THIS GUY:

will stare at them.


So, seriously, Mothers and Fathers, put some decent clothes on your daughters. Some of the things that they wear and ask to wear just because it's "cool" is totally inappropriate. Dont put them at risk for any danger. God knows that this world is already a fucked-up place to live. Just do your part and keep your children safe by dressing them appropriately. I have a son, and I'm thankful for that, but I know I'll have my own struggles with him.

For all of you out there who are raising a daughter or more than one, I'm proud of you. I'm sure it's tough shit. But keep with it.

Dont believe what they say. It matters. 

You ARE your childhood.

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