
holy geez.

Okay that's it.

What the frick.

My life is SO stressful. Can a girl catch a break? I seriously need to find some sort of stress relief that actually works, besides the tiny little microscopic pill I take every morning for "mild anxiety."  (They tried to prescribe me more, but because I have epilepsy, they couldn't--it totally made my body tweak out, but that, my friends, a story I'm sure you'll love for a different day).

What types of stress relief work for you guys?

I need some ideas.

I'm about to lose my mind.


  1. I hear penis is great. Well, for the female variety. Cracking a cold one is a good start too. Curl up with a good book? Get a dog/cat? Punch a stranger in the face?

  2. Hrrm...

    I agree with you on the first suggestion. Very much actually. Also, the second suggestion helps quite a bit as well. The third suggestion--ehhh....uhm, the forth suggestion, I already have a demon cat who tries to devour my feet when i walk past the doorway each morning when i get up at the buttcrack of dawn...and the last suggestion...


    if only....

    p.s. i like the way you think, pal.
